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FoodBev Media

FoodBev Media

5 June 2008

Jones joins the race with Campaign Cola

Jones joins the race with Campaign Cola

By Mike Ramey

Jones Soda Co is joining the US Presidential contest. The offbeat Seattle beverage maker – known for its imaginative labels and unusual flavours – is offering American consumers of all ages a chance to express their political sympathies by buying bottles of Campaign Cola bearing a photograph of one of the contenders.

Each online purchase through <<1>">]<1> will be counted as a vote for that candidate. Buyers are also being given a chance to express their views on the political situation and challenges facing the eventual winner, by participating in an open forum.

Campaign Cola is a special limited edition of Jones Pure Cane Cola, one of the latest additions to the company’s wide range of flavours. Consumers can cast their virtual vote by ordering a pack of Barack Obama’s “Yes We Can Cola,” John McCain’s “Pure McCain Cola,” or Hillary Clinton’s “Capital Hillary Cola.”

The campaign is particularly aimed at consumers who may be too young to vote in the real contest. * Political powerhouse* “Young voters are a political powerhouse in this election, and the candidates that communicate to these audiences will have a clear advantage come election time,” said Seth Godwin, Marketing Manager of Jones Soda.

“The best way to engage interest from people is through a personal connection, which is what Jones Soda is all about. We want to provide an opportunity for people to become excited about the process, and what could be a better conversation starter than drinking from a soda that has your chosen candidate’s face for all to see?”

Bottles of Campaign Cola are being offered to online buyers in six-packs priced at $14.99 and 12-packs priced at $23.99. Each order will count as a vote, with the results being updated every 15 minutes on the website, so all can follow the course of the race. The website will also provide election resources, so young voters can learn how to register and where to vote.

“Jones Soda’s Campaign Cola will serve as an informational and interactive site for open dialogue, a medium that Jones’ core consumers are comfortable with,” said Stephen Jones, CEO of Jones Soda. “It also provides a unique platform to introduce Jones Pure Cane Cola through an innovative programme surrounding a nationally influential event.”


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